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Creator Design Survey


is for ONE design on ONE knitwear of ONE campaign only.

We only need your full name, phone number, and mailing address to send you the knitwear. If you have a PO box, pickup address, or anything similar, that will also work.

We shall not publicly disclose or utilize any of your personal information. Unless you notify us otherwise, we will utilize your social handle in all promotional materials.

We do not expect you to provide us with a complete design using this form, but we do require basic information from you to get started. It will be beneficial if you can explain as much of what is on your mind as possible because you know what your supporters want, and we came out to you because of your distinct aesthetic. You can, for example, provide us with a sketch/reference image of the knit type (fine, bulky, specific knit pattern, etc), color scheme, graphic, slogan/text, decorative components (pompom, beads, trims, etc), neckline, hem, hood, elbow patch details, and so on. Consider creating a viral notion to add to the excitement, and of course, more knitwear can be sold that way.

Feel free to email us anytime if you have other questions/concerns.